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Our Story


Who Are We?

Amir, the overachiever & Ace, the wild child--The Faces and CEOs of the Luxury Kids Brand ad online shop, Rich Boys.

How'd We Get Our Name?

Amir & Ace's style & swagger is a miniature version of their dad Rich's. They are their father's boys. So that's how they became Rich Boys.

How'd We Get Our Shop?

At a Speaking Engagement once, a kid asked Amir was he Inspired by any Rappers because of how he was dressed. Amir said, "I'm not Inspired by any Rappers, I just Like to Look Fly." So for all young boys who just like to look fly, Rich Boys was created!

What We Offer?

We Provide Kids High Fashion at Low Costs. Our motto of Taking whatever is Trending in Men's Fashion and shrinking it down for Boys allows us to Provide Affordable Luxury Worldwide. #GirlsAllowed

What We Stand For?

Being Rich is not about WHAT YOU HAVE, it's about WHO YOU HAVE. Rich Boys' mission is to build confidence through clothes and encourage self-expression. We also promote and support kid entrepreneurship through our online financial education platform,